The Next Step in Blood Screening

Alex Koyfman

Posted December 22, 2016

The biggest shortcoming in the science of medicine, and the biggest hurdle faced by medical professionals, can be summed up in one word: time. 

Time is the difference between a life saved and a cancer progressing past the point of treatment. 

Time is the difference between effective antibiotic treatment and an infection inflicting permanent damage. 

It’s the difference between a miracle and a tragedy. 

Time, perhaps more in the medical industry than anywhere else, decides outcomes… And since the very advent of modern medicine, the quest to shorten the time it takes to make a conclusive diagnosis and decide a course of action has been the primary goal of every physician and patient alike. 

The problem is, when dealing with uncertainties on a cellular, oftentimes molecular level, finding and identifying these uncertainties on a case-to-case basis is daunting to say the least. 

People often criticize physicians and the industry in general for inconsistent results, but when every patient’s predicament is largely unique, this science becomes inexact. 

It’s an unfortunate reality that we all live with day to day. 

An Industry of Uncertainty

Technologies like modern imaging techniques have done wonders in cutting the time it takes to make a conclusive diagnosis, but, once again, even this beyond–space age gadgetry simply does not operate on a molecular scale. 

Though invaluable in removing the need for expensive, painful, and risky procedures like exploratory surgery, scanning the body for changes on a nanoscopic level has been impossible for even the latest CT or MRI machines. 

Right now, that may all be changing. 

One of the first and most important methods for screening the body for irregularities has been testing the blood. 

The blood stream is, after all, the highway that delivers essential oxygen to every last living cell in the body. Everything that enters or invades the organism leaves its mark there. 

For many decades, foreign bodies have been detectable in the blood stream through a screening process that involves sampling and chemical and/or manual testing. 


Blood had to be either combined with other agents to test for reactivity or placed on slides and viewed in a laboratory to test for pathology. 

That process took from days to weeks — a time hurdle in and of itself; the bigger hurdle was that clues doctors looked for often did not appear in the samples until a certain developmental threshold was reached. 

The wait for that threshold often doomed individuals, transforming them from treatable patients into statistics. 


Turning Art Into Science

Right now, a new technology is emerging that has taken the job of evaluating blood on a molecular level and handed it over to high-powered computers.

The technology revolves around cutting-edge software, designed to weed out the nanoscopic clues that traditional methods usually overlook. 

The result is twofold. 

First of all, patients can now find out about their diseases weeks or even months before they would have using standard testing techniques. 

Detecting things like cancer can now happen far earlier, allowing for earlier treatment and an exponential increase in survivability. 

Secondly, this technology has opened a door to a whole new opportunity for companies in the business of developing new drugs. 

Now able to see the effect of drugs on the body in just hours as opposed to months, drug companies can collect data much faster — almost in real time — and evaluate their experimental molecules for efficacy at a far faster rate. 

This has the potential to cut years off the drug testing process, allowing companies to bring their new drugs to market in time to treat more patients and save more lives. 

The life-preserving potential of this technology is enormous, and its economic value to the industry is just as great. 

The third and final surprise: the company that’s developed this technology is currently valued at less than $50 million. 

A New Era, Brought to You By Ones and Zeros

Essentially a software company, the firm that developed this technology already has agreements in place with major blood-collection networks like LabCorp and is on the verge of widespread commercialization. 

Applied to just a handful of diseases, this product is already worth well into the billions. 

Applied universally, as it eventually will be, the dollar value is hard to calculate. 

What it will do in terms of saving lives and decreasing pain and suffering is priceless. 

To those out there who have heard about “penny stocks” and are wary of making such investments, I offer this story as a counterpoint. 

An early-stage company with a world-changing product that nobody knows about, valued at hundreds or even thousands of times less than its long-term potential indicates. 

And yet it trades today on the open market, available to anybody with an online brokerage account. 

More and more often, people are turning to companies like this for long-term investing. 

They take modest risks, knowing that if and when commercialization hits, their small investment will be magnified by orders of magnitude. 

Measured risks like this have a place in every portfolio, right alongside the traditional, conservative, wealth-growing investments like those you see in your IRA. 

To read more about this industry-disrupting company and others like it, click here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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